Terms and Conditions

Indigo Share: Subscription is a collaborative research initiative, which encourages cultural organisations to undertake similar audience research together, in order to increase the benefit to the whole sector.

In order to do this successfully, we need to be clear about how we collect, use and share audience findings.


Host organisation – the cultural organisation wishing to undertake research with its audiences
Audience responses – numeric or text responses to questions asked in surveys

Collecting audience responses

  • Indigo Share will require the host organisation to send out survey links (provided by Indigo) to its own customer lists. Indigo will not receive or handle any personal data from host organisations, nor send out emails on their behalf.
  • Indigo can provide links in various formats for organisations to collect responses. As standard we will provide only email links, but we can supply QR codes or links for face to face data collection if requested.
  • Indigo will offer advice on how many, and which customers should be contacted to achieve a robust response. In many cases, research of this kind can be conducted under the legal basis ‘performance of a contract’, meaning that all customers can be contacted. However, it is entirely the responsibility of the host organisation to ensure they have the required data protection policies in place to support this.
  • Audience responses will be collected in real time, and stored in Indigo’s survey software. No personal data is collected through the survey, so there is no requirement for a data-sharing agreement between the host organisation and Indigo.
  • Indigo will offer a prize draw incentive to all respondents, across all participating surveys. 
  • Although the survey responses are completely anonymous, we offer all respondents the option to take part in future arts research, managed by Indigo. If they opt in to do this, their details are gathered in a separate survey and their personal data is not linked in any way to their individual responses. 
  • There is no limit on the number of responses the host organisation can collect, however we operate a fair usage policy. If your numbers of responses exceed 25,000 during a financial year, we may get in touch to discuss a sampling approach.

Survey questions

  • Core survey questions are set by 1 April each year. Indigo consults with existing users through 1-2-1 support sessions and with others in the sector to review the questions annually, and to incorporate any changes to funder requirements.
  • Bespoke additional questions on paid plans will be reviewed and updated annually before 1 April. Whilst we will aim to accommodate any question changes within the year, this may affect reporting, so we will discuss with you the best option.
  • Our core Audience Experience survey is available in Welsh (you will be supplied with a test survey and can use the language toggle on the first page to see the translation). However the translation of any bespoke questions incurs an additional cost. Alternatively, you can supply us with your own translation for the bespoke questions you choose. Please discuss any other language or translation requirements with us, which may be accommodated at extra cost.

Sharing Research findings

  • The host organisation will have access to view responses from their own audiences in real time, via a link to an online report provided by Indigo
  • No other organisation (other than Indigo and our data processors) will have access to the host organisation’s results
  • By taking part in Indigo Share, whether free or on a paid-for plan, the host organisation agrees that:

The response data will be aggregated and included in ‘sector wide’ results, which will be published and shared with the sector by Indigo. 

Results may be aggregated and analysed by type/size/location of organisation, or by audience demographic (eg. by age) across the whole dataset. Indigo will take care never to publish data that could make an individual host organisation’s results identifiable.

Host organisations’ names and / or logos may be used in Indigo’s publicity materials to provide examples of Indigo Share users. Please speak to a member of the Indigo team if you have any concerns. 

  • Indigo may choose to work with other partners and academics in the cultural sector to undertake further analysis of the data set and add commentary and insight; and may share findings with industry and legislative bodies to assist in policy and decision making. Only the aggregated data set will be shared with partners in order to do this, and no individual organisational data will be exposed.

Payment and Subscription

  • The subscription term runs from April 1 - March 31, invoiced monthly or annually in advance.
  • Organisations joining mid-year will pay a reduced subscription comprised of a set-up fixed cost and pro-rata monthly fees until renewal on 1 April the following year.
  • Subscriptions will be automatically renewed on 1 April for 1 year unless cancelled with 1 month’s notice.
  • Monthly subscription payments will need to be via regular Bank Transfer, set up via GoCardless and must be paid promptly via that method in order to keep the subscription active.
  • Annual subscriptions must be paid on invoice, within 30 days. Any late payments may risk the survey being suspended until payment is received.

Indigo Support

Indigo will provide support resources to organisations who sign up. These will include:

  • Advice on sample and response sizes for email surveys
  • Suggested email copy for audiences
  • Instructions for how to set up automation with supported ticketing systems
  • Regular 1-2-1 support sessions online

Any queries regarding set up and operation of Indigo Share can be sent to info@indigo-ltd.com and we aim to respond within 48 hours during Mon-Fri.


All Indigo Share surveys and reports are copyright protected by Indigo. 

No element of the survey may be reproduced without our express permission.

All reports produced are the sole property of Indigo-Ltd but benchmark reports may be shared with others in the sector with credit to Indigo.