Tens of thousands of UK cultural attenders for rapid research to help you make informed decisions fast.

Whether you want to find out the views of non-attenders, understand perceptions of your organisation across your region or test out your new marketing campaign, Indigo Share: Discover is a unique way to gather insight quickly and cost-effectively.

What is the Indigo Audience Panel?

The Audience Panel comprises over 15,000 UK adults who have offered to take part in arts and culture research. It includes a range of ages, regions and artform interests.

Why use Indigo Share: Discover?

Talking direct to cultural attenders beyond your own audiences can help you:

  • De-risk your decision-making by testing it out on a large group of people: for example, checking your new marketing campaign is going to land well
  • Find out more about the views of non-attenders so you can shape your offer and your marketing to appeal to them and grow audiences and visitors
  • Quickly assess perceptions of your organisation to help inform strategy, brand or communications.

Want to know more?