
Marketing and audience development

If you need to develop a new marketing strategy or an audience development action plan, refine your brand or develop an audience segmentation, Indigo can help.

Our help and advice is always bespoke, so whether you have a clear idea of what your project involves, or not, we can help you to define the right approach to take.

Marketing audits

Sometimes it’s important to pause and take stock of where you are and what you are achieving, and this is where some external eyes can be really valuable. We have developed a series of tools and processes to help you, including our Marketing MOTs.

Marketing strategy and plans

An essential part of any organisation’s business strategy, a marketing or audience development strategy is the route map to increased income and impact.

Whether you need to develop ‘more of the same’ audiences, or diversify those you engage with, we can help devise a strategy and a pragmatic approach to audience development, equipping you with the tools you need to take it forward in a consistent and effective way.

We have worked with scores of cultural charities, always ensuring that the strategy is clear, practical and is owned by the organisation, rather than something put on a shelf.


Connecting with audiences effectively means being able to create tailored activity, messaging and approaches. We are strong believers in segmentation approaches which allow you to understand your whole audience base and allow you to act on this understanding.

We take a behaviour-first approach to segmentation, often starting from data in your systems, then overlay attitudes and motivations with primary research.

Finally, we leave you with strategies to connect and measure success.

Market assessment

Do you need to find out the size of the market available to you for what you do? Perhaps you want to better understand the profile of the people who live in your catchment area – and how well you're engaging with them. What scope is there for growth, or have you already saturated the market? We can help you to understand all of those things and identify the ‘hotspots’ in your area that are ripe for developing audiences.

The survey gives you data on the impact of your organisation on your community: you get a sense of why they come to your organisation and what they like. This can be very beneficial for your board, your funders, your sponsors and your community.

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